Donna Lee Fry:  

Donna Lee Fry's Classmates® Profile Photo
Kittanning, PA
Oil city, PA
Millington, TN
Ford city, PA
Kittanning, PA

Donna Lee's Story

"THE WOMAN IN ME" (6/17/09) My Story will take flight from the runway our legal system calls "divorce." It would be fair to assume the 1966 marriage was over as self-proclaimed "silver-tongued Devil," Eric McCracken, was AT LAST left no choice but add his signature to divorce papers. However; the narrative, which is the body of the 1984 decree, is only a clouded reflection of a relationship that had never been as it publically appeared. In retrospect, I realize there were many in my life who feared the retribution that might rain on them and their comrades if the larger public ever became aware of how sinister and widespread the occult bride-sharing game really is. Mormons sure are involved; but the truths are more complex than the usual stories we hear about men with many wives. One doesn't even need to be a Mormon to participate; just a "Being" willing to manipulate and steal the Freewill of others! Everyone is afraid of something. Those who held me emotionally captive were and are experts at not only planting fear and distrust in others; but regularly bring it to full harvest within each personal "Self." The powerful victimizers' fates evolve to no-win states where even they are unsure which to fear most -- The Wrath of God or the power and connections of their mentors. I ask you to bring "STAR WARS'" Darth Vader to mind; as this masked Jedi Knight and my birthfather had more than a few things in common. By 1982, my grant-&-loan-financed Accounting Degree was but a few months shy of granting me realistic economic independence. My children's exhibits of need-to-control-&-use-others signs of initiation into THE GROUPS, which looked on my Spirit and Flesh as their property, was the catalyst that propelled this prisoner of secrets to, at last, jump her assigned ship. Could a top-of-my-class piece of paper and a life raft, held together with Faith, safely navigate me and mine through the angry waves of my husbands' powerful occult connections -- far more menacing than any killer sharks? From the day I took that leap of Faith to cross my "keepers," my three children's nurture and support were a challenging one-woman-show, speckled with threats that if I didn't keep my mouth shut and remain with Eric, "there will be no 'reasons' for child support." HAD I ONLY KNOWN, THEN, WHAT WAS TO BECAME ABUNDANTLY CLEAR BY MID 1994! Years later, and roughly halfway through the multi-dozen divorce/financial proceedings, I was finally granted court permission to take the children to California. Within two days after our plane touched down, Eric broke into our former home, stole the kids' beloved dog, and claimed my house sitters had attempted to murder him on the highway. Of course, such a stunt made it impossible for me to start a new job in California and required the immediate expenditure of the last of my funds to purchase non-discounted return airline tickets. This skillfully-manufactured drama quickly led to a new court order requiring that the children and I remain in our, now very familiar, "storage" abode. It seems an occult-infiltrated judicial system exerted a sizable amount of influence to force this "asset" back into line by giving me and the children no choice but to again be close-range targets of Eric's mentor-assisted terror. So much for constitutional rights! The well-coached McCracken, SOMEHOW, was never brought to account for any of the threatening stunts he pulled. What orders were secured on mine and the children's behalf were not enforced. The court even continued to require that zero-income-or-asset me pay my own attorney and all the large home's mortgage and other expenses; while ignoring Eric's non-compliance to virtually all that The State of Ohio required of a husband and father -- INTERESTING! The courts forbade my removing anything from, renting, or putting the residence (neither Eric nor I could afford) on the market. Properly selling the architect-built home, which sat on a wooded acre within the city limits, would have financially benefited all involved - especially our numerous creditors. McCracken filed bankruptcy. Our home was conveniently sold at auction for exactly the balance of the mortgage (less than half of its properly-marketed value). Even with negotiating down my marital responsibility towards Eric's personal debts (including his recent vacation, and new furniture) I still had to file for a three-year financial reorganization. Having access to only the money I could earn; while also caring for my young charges, it took a decade for me to achieve financial stability. During an office meeting to discuss the harm being caused by Eric's threatening and demeaning words and actions towards the children during visitation, his attorney said, "Before this is over, you (plural) will give US anything WE want!" -- Extortion -- PURE EXTORTION!!! Read on; before you get to the end, I expect you will have begun to figure out, WHY? Even years after the divorce, my move back to PA, and Eric's disappearance, the menacing continues. There were computer-generated, mailed, unsigned threats. One, which included a photograph, said there were many more that could be distributed. Paris Hilton I'm not! While at my own home, this wife and mother had no inkling photographs or videos were being made -- SICK! Years of struggling emotionally and economically; surviving on hopeful, but false, expectations that it would only be a short time until our lives would be wonderful, took a terrible toll on family relationships. The truth is that all the while, inside, I seized with disdain and rage towards those involved -- including myself. Much too young, inexperienced, and in love, I hadn't known any better when the lies were contrived; but what were all the others' excuses? Being part of fame and great wealth, was then, and continues to be, low in my value system. Honesty, and a sense that my feelings and I matter, are way up there! However; neither these nor support dollars were, in any way forthcoming on mine or the children's behalf. I felt fear and shame; along with intense anger because the "SS's" publicity machine's protection of another had placed so many in this difficult position. They had made it very obvious how easy it would be to have me declared insane and unfit to care for my children were I to insist on Honesty and Justice. Shape-shifting sorcery -- embraced by the rich and famous, anxious for anonymity -- provides countless opportunities for usury and cruel acts. Gradually, I refocused toward self-respect, self-reliance, and self-determination; enfolded by faith in God as sheltering Father and nurturing Mother. These experiences with fear lead to me eventually become a PA certified Crisis Intervention Counselor. While supporting my family as a business analyst, I provided volunteer counseling to victims of rape and domestic violence from the mid 80s until 1992. After the local shelter closed, my house became an unofficial shelter. AUTO HIT BY A FULLY-LOADED OIL TANKER IN 1992: The "accident" and later in-hospital stroke likely were not as "crafted" to appear. My memories, eleven months later, did not fit with what my family attempted to make me believe. This writer would likely not be here, today, had it not been for a doctor; whose, I believe, Holy-Spirit-inspired actions thwarted occult goals by summoning my lied-to, omitted-from-my-care, personal physician to my rescue. My first release from the hospital, after over two months of brain-injury rehab; including relearning speech and your basic pre-school readiness, turned out not to be the pleasure for which I had longed. Laura, the oldest, who had walked away from a unique Rockefeller Foundation International-Educational Opportunity, decided to return home with her one-year-old, Sarah. Adam, a freshman in college, also moved back during my hospital sojourn. A..., whom I had sheltered months before, was yet to depart. The occupants entertained friends at all hours and power struggles evolved for which I had neither the cognitive ability nor strength to mediate. Scott, working while trying to complete his second year at Pitt, wanted no part of family drama. Shortly, I was again hospitalized; this time with massive internal bleeding, likely caused by a questionable blood-thinner-medication overdose. Minutes after admission, an unknown woman unsuccessfully tried to convince me to accept a bogus, two-unit blood transfusion; never ordered by MY doctors. Home again (realizing I couldn't survive the stress and confusion); with my doctors' support, the nest was cleared. A... was given a bus ticket. Adam was kicked to the curb. He joined the Army Reserves, returned to Clarion University after basic training, and completed his degree. Laura received help getting an apartment with plans for return to CA; leading to her successful completion of a BA from UC. TOUGH LOVE is hard! One can only hope and pray that maturity brings our children the wisdom to appreciate the gift and model responsibility in their own lives. * NOT YOUR USUAL MILITARY DEPENDENT Halfway through my senior year, I was told there was only one way for me to both complete high school and be near my new husband -- the REAL ONE; not Eric, the young Marine, whom had been "enlisted," -- his uncles high-ranking Masons -- two years earlier, to cover SORCERY and the private life of a "Special Brother." Therefore, in January 1967, I began living the life of a military dependent. My Love, a singer/songwriter, was scheduled to spend several months writing and recording at a Memphis studio. I was led to believe that it was primarily for my security that plans to have me live under an alias were first instituted. No one wanted a repeat of recent Elvis-style, celebrity/young-girl publicity. Fame is a terrible curse on any relationship; but extreme age and seeming ethnic & religious differences; combined with the circumstances under which ...Expand for more
we had been introduced, further complicated everything. The December 3, public and published ceremony to McCracken -- which I was told would not count -- virtually tricked this innocent into Masonic-fostered sex slavery. Still just seventeen, my "so-called mother," Vera Fry, signed the necessary paternal consent that made the conspiring Secret Groups' Evil "game" legally binding on a manipulated, CHILD; but not on the "Love" with whom it was her intent to ONLY share all the Covenant of Marriage implies. Shortly, I was off to Tennessee with everything I could take (including household goods) all in a dress bag and two suitcases. The next couple months were quite an adventure for an inexperienced small-town girl. The first place Eric had arranged for me to live had plenty of roaches & beer cans in, under, and over everything; but no lock on the door, or bottoms in the dresser drawers. Only the dining area had heat. Just two days after I arrived, a neighbor was beaten and raped. This less-than-ideal "depository;" I had no car, was three miles into the country. Eric earned $89 a month. My total monthly marital allotment was only $50. Yes, we lived on that income only. I was told, "Everything has to look ordinary." My new school was like a different world. This young wife was quickly befriended by other senior and, surprisingly, also junior-class Vietnam-era brides. They helped me secure better, but still affordable, housing. Many of the school's students were military dependents who'd lived and been educated all over the world. That September, I was relocated to New Bern, NC, where I quickly found employment to provide for meager living standards. My other husband, on tour most of the next several years, was "home" infrequently. You don't need to tell me how strange this seems -- I LIVED IT! In the first five years of my "marriages," I had to move thirteen times. What I don't regret about my military years are the opportunities I got to know so many interesting and wonderful people. For the first time, I worked with and had neighbors and very close friends of other races and diverse backgrounds. I learned, by necessity, that I could do most anything, and to manage money really well. Though an "A" student, seemingly-simple Vera had always strived to convince me that I was unworthy of an education, MY BETTERS, or anything except cooking and cleaning her house. My young self had been skillfully groomed to grab at the first Prince-Charming opportunity offering escape from a Cinderella existence. I have come to understand that my "Sparkling," success-climbing "Friend" and his "Handlers" had literally "shopped" for a young "muse" and mother of (not for) his children; whom could be kept separated from his income and public life. It was also a given that she must be controlled and maintained in the same small-town, simple existence that had been "assigned" to her shortly after birth. MY GROWING INTO THE ABILITY TO TAKE CARE OF MYSELF AND MY CHILDREN WAS NEVER SUPPOSED TO BE. THEIR INVESTMENT "PROPERTY," THIS DAUGHTER, STOLEN IN INFANCY FROM THE MORMON-BORN, SECRET, YOUNG WIFE OF THE RICHEST MAN IN THE WORLD, COULD NEVER LEARN THE TRUTH ABOUT HERSELF OR SORCERY'S LONG-STANDING PARTNERSHIP AGREEMENTS TO INCESTUOUSLY BREED AND CONTROL THE MAGICK, HOLY BLOODLINE SHE SO STRONGLY CARRIED. Neil, who still insists he is working to find a way to publically acknowledge me and my children, and I have remained in some form of contact almost daily. The Star asserts that he agreed with his handlers to the original "arrangement;" believing it would only be temporary and out of concern for my safety and privacy. The singer further claims that it was not until after we'd had children that he was made aware their parents were closely related and that he had not been told his "Love-at-first-sight" occult-arranged muse was the hidden, legal daughter of Terry Moore & Howard Hughes until he, himself, advanced to a high rank within the Archangel Group's investment umbrella. By that time, his earlier death oaths forbade him from telling what the Howard Hughes' Medical Foundation, Merlyn, and other Secret Organizations have long been "harvesting." I remain unacknowledged as either daughter or wife. This Hughes' heiress has been robbed of Howard's estate; and cheated out of child support and any portion of my entitled 50/50 income and asset spousal split. In fact, LESLIE NEIL DIAMOND was not the one named in my 1984-granted, divorce papers, which were signed by the real Eric McCracken! SECRET OCCULT INVESTMENT GROUPS PROTECT THEIR OWN and do not want any legal heirs to ever be able to make any claims against their powerful ever-growing, manipulate-&-control-the-World resources. I was tricked into entering a trap of being the wife of one, the other, both, or none -- depending on how THEY choose to call it! How many more woman and their children are in the same fix as I? The operative words I get from those, with whom I have long tried to reason, are a smug, "PROVE IT!" A woman in my position is looked on as being owned by the "SS," and must be ransomed continually. Neil must pay for the opportunity to spend time with me; ON THEIR TERMS! You see, women are to be "shared" with other shape-shifting "brothers" and Demonic entities (in possessed-human form) desiring intercourse with the "Daughters of Eve." I have long opted to live a celibate life rather than risk being, unknowingly, "used" again. Neil is subjected to rules of their sick games; including "management" through a type of lie-detector test known as "auditing" -- utilized by occult groups, in addition to Scientology. Listen to the song, I DREAMED A DREAM. Yes, the lyrics, "...There was no ransom to be paid..." were actually written by Diamond; along with so many top-ten songs for which other members of the group were given credit for his creativity. * CALLING THE GAME OF LIES: My birth mother tried to move on with her life. Like me, In spite of all the crap HH pulled on the GROUP MERLYN'S orders, she never stopped loving this first older "Love of Her Life." Why? In my case; quoting Neil, "It was another time, it was another place; do you remember it, Babe?" We both remember it -- a love that survived Death and Time but cannot escape his, secret death oaths. Such oaths are extracted by manipulating young egos into feeling superior to the rest of humanity; after exposing them to real MAGICK (Sorcery) and unfathomable personal possibilities and economic gains. I suspect that all panicked when I, who was, at the time the fateful "introduction" took place, only a never-to-be-allowed-to-be-educated fourteen-year-old "young girl with fire..." and, therefore, just a THING; existing to fulfill their sexual desires and breeding goals -- got smart enough to file for divorce. My book will invite others to come forward and band together for Justice and the opening of Secret records. Over the years, the supposedly short-term "cover" evolved into a cruel trap; its jaws giving my "Foxy-Lady" nickname an increasingly painful new meaning. Everyday constituted another twenty-four hours on stage. Trying to maintain close, meaningful relationships with others; while guarding every word and action WAS NOT a sane way to live. Putting the truth on paper has given me a sense of Freedom, and accomplishment. For forty-three years, the words, "Just hang on a little longer; I promise ..." have echoed in my brain. My angel of a Dad, Ken Fry, lived what, on the surface, seemed a simple existence; dedicating every beat of his heart to ultimate Truth and Judgment; doing what he could to protect me without blowing his cover, or mine -- while ever reducing the harmful impact of Demonic practices. Shortly after Ken's "untimely" death, Vera said that his office had already been searched and what I was asking about not found. No one knew that, only two weeks earlier, I had been discreetly visited in Ohio and told that Ken's Life would abruptly come to an end, I would not be treated fairly, and might be targeted for elimination if, too soon, others became aware of all that I know OUR Souls shall have the capacity to draw forth in promotion of Earthly purification and restoration. Father's alias child was introduced to a "tool box" of patient, obedient disclosure; its truths to be drawn from as others make their goals obvious, beyond any reasonable doubt -- in the eyes of Man, and God! Only at receipt of a very specific signal (received 2007), was I to contact Mom and set SPIRIT'S restorative opportunities in motion. You see, shortly before mine and Neil's actual vows; with my Justice-of-the-Peace Dad's involvement, a second, December 2, no-waiting-period, marriage license application was signed by County Judge, Graff. Immediately after the REAL ceremony, I was given its official copy for county records to sign, which was then handed to Neil. I watched him take pen to the document and hand it back to the conductor of the ceremony for filing. Armstrong County, PA shows a record of me marrying McCracken; but checkout the groom's handwriting. While covertly bringing his separately-hidden son and daughter to marital union, our well-known father protected his wife's, children's, and grandchildren's long-term futures by stealthfully making sure the false groom (Eric) never signed any license anything! Unlike occult practitioners, I've never taken any Death Oaths. My knowledge and abilities come from a loving God, a lifetime of quiet observation, and, like Dad, literally "sleeping with the enemy!" By accepting The Holy Spirit's guidance of my pen, I am outing myself for the purpose of freeing others from Occult Bondage. When one lies with such Dogs, it is nearly impossible not to become infested with the fleas of sorcery! Infiltrating agents may start with the purest intent but rapidly develop feelings of superiority that soon make them also guilty of Sinful Pride.
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Donna Lee Fry's Classmates profile album
ME BY MY CAR (July 2011)
Pool Party (July 14, 2011)
SPLISH-SPLASH ( photo taken July 14, 2011)
Photo taken at my Unity Church just 20 minutes before my major spiritual awakening while in minister-guided meditation.

Many much more recent photos of me and my home can be found on my CLASSMATES.COM profil
Me by my car (July 20, 2011).
Donna Lee Fry's album, Timeline Photos

It was July 20, 2011;
   95 degrees.
         I have a playful nature.
            ***** AND *****
My male photographer dared me to do it!
  ********** WELL **********
I've ridde
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